A very partial list of mineral species that show some kind of luminescence (mostly fluorescence)...
Mineral Labels Archive
When adding specimens to my collection I always like to keep track of their history. I believe a...
Fluorescent Minerals by Species
BaryteSC1112 – Baryte from the Meikle Mine, Nevada, USAFluorescence under longwave UV light.Normal...
Carpathite, also known as Karpatite, is one of the few organic minerals. It is chemically...
Typically fluoresces green under midwave UV light. Most samples come from Charcas in San Luis...
Fluorescence under fullwave: shortwave plus midwave plus longwave UV light.Normal...
FluoboriteSC858 – Fluoborite from the Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey, USAFluorescence under...
Fluorapatite, the most common mineral generally referred as "apatite". Yellow fluorescence under...
My Mineral Collection
SC1168 – Carpathite from the Picacho Mine, California, USA
Yellow carpathite crystals coated by quartz. Quite nice how some crystals are fully exposed, some...
SC1165 – Tugtupite from the Ilímaussaq complex, Greenland
Tenebrescent tugtupite: normally pink, it changes color to a darker red upon exposure to UV light....
SC1163 – Kyanite from the Willis Mountain Mine, Virginia, USA
Kyanite blades in matrix. Lot's of them! In daylight they are essentially colorless, white or...
SC1117 – Rhodochrosite from the N’Chwaning II Mine, South Africa
Little plate of pink rhodochrosite crystals, all packed together. Contrary to every guess, the...
SC1116 – Glauberite from the Salton Sea, California, USA
Glauberite crystal, fluorescent light blue under shortwave UV light, pink under longwave...
SC1115 – Cinnabar and Idrialite from the Culver-Baer Mine, California, USA
A very rich piece of yellow idrialite and red cinnabar. Some nice little crystals are visible with...