Fluorescent Minerals by Species
Cerussite, quite often fluorescent yellow under longwave UV light. But not always!SC302 – Fluorite...
Clino-suenoite. Also known as the discredited manganocummingtonite and tirodite.SC301 –...
Typically fluoresces green under midwave UV light. Most samples come from Charcas in San Luis...
Fluorescence under fullwave: shortwave plus midwave plus longwave UV light.Normal...
Dolomite, typically fluorescent white under longwave UV light.SC342 – Sphalerite & Dolomite from...
FluoboriteSC858 – Fluoborite from the Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey, USAFluorescence under...
My Mineral Collection
SC1114 – Celestine on Aragonite from Serradifalco, Sicily, Italy
Aesthetic crystals of celestine on a crystalized aragonite base. Under longwave UV light the...
SC1113 – Prehnite from Imilchil, Morocco
A very nice rosette of light green prehnite crystals surrounded by quartz. Looks like a flower!...
SC1112 – Baryte from the Meikle Mine, Nevada, USA
Baryte crystals on matrix. Very sparkly in daylight and bright white fluorescence under longwave...
SC1111 – Wickenburgite from the Green Envy Mine, Arizona, USA
A new find of wickenburgite and willemite from the "Green Envy Mine", a new 2024 locality. The...
SC1110 – Olmiite from the N’Chwaning II Mine, South Africa
Nicely formed pink bowtie olmiite crystals on matrix. Under longwave UV light the olmiite...
SC1104 – Siderite, Sphalerite and Pyrite from the Eagle Mine, Colorado, USA
A nice example of the combination of siderite, sphalerite, and pyrite from a classical locality....