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SC193 - Sodalite var Hackmanite

Locality: Koksha Valley, Khash & Kuran Wa Munjan Districts, Badakhshan, Afghanistan (MINDAT)
Size: 3 x 2 x 2 cm - Thumbnail (<1 inch)
Weight: 11.3 g
minID: MW9-8YM

Small tenebrescent / photochromic sodalite (hackmanite). From a pink color to a deep purple. Fluoresces a strong orange under longwave UV light, a darker grey/pink under shortwave UV light. It also has a white phosphorescence/afterglow.

Desaturated color.
Saturated color after exposure to UV light.
Fluorescence under longwave UV light (365nm LED light).
Fluorescence under shortwave UV light (254nm Hg light).
Phosphorescence/Afterglow under exposure to shortwave UV light.
Last update: 05 August 2021