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SC315 - Diopside

Locality: Lake Valhalla Quarry, Montville Township, Morris Co., New Jersey, USA (MINDAT)
Size: 11 x 7 x 7 cm - Large cabinet (10-15 cm)
minID: PP4-KPL

Big chunk of diopside. Nice blue fluorescence under shortwave UV light. Under longwave UV light the color is a more yellowish, and even more with a 405nm blue laser. It looks like there is a orange/red flash phosphorescence. I collected three fluorescence spectra under 275nm LED, 365nm LED and 405nm blue laser. The first and second ones show a broad peak at about 435/440 nm. This should be due to nTiO6 groups. It looks like the spectrum under 365nm LED is composite with more hidden peaks at about 470nm, 500nm and 580nm. The spectrum under 405nm blue laser is very different. The main peak is now at 580nm, due to Mn2+ replacing Ca2+ and there is a broad peak at about 490nm. I don’t know what is the activator for this second peak. (The sharp peak at 536nm is leaking from the blue laser).

Photo in normal light.
Fluorescence under shortwave UV light (254nm Hg light).
Fluorescence spectra acquired under 275nm LED, 365nm LED and 405nm blue laser (spike at 536nm is an artifact)
Last update: 29 December 2020