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SC324 - Sørensenite (TL)

Locality: Kvanefjeld (Kuannersuit Plateau), Ilímaussaq complex, Narsaq, Kujalleq, Greenland (MINDAT)
Size: 3.5 x 3 x 2 cm - Miniature (3-6 cm)
Weight: 15.4 g
minID: 1X3-EU6

A silicate containing tin and beryllium. Quite rare and only found in Greenland. Nice grey/white fluorescence under both shortwave and longwave UV light. Longwave (365nm LED) photo is with a 420nm yellow filter: there is a lot of blue, which I don’t understand if it is reflection of the UV light or fluorescence. Under longwave part of the sorensenite fluoresces a more yellow/orange color. Apart from the Sorensenite there are a number of non-identified minerals, some fluorescent, some not.

Photo in normal light.
Fluorescence under shortwave UV light (254nm Hg light).
Fluorescence under longwave UV light (365nm LED).
Last update: 29 December 2020