SC345 - Cerussite on Smithsonite on Hydrozincite
Locality: Zorzone Mine (Gorno Mine), Zorzone, Vedra Valley, Oltre il Colle, Bergamo Province, Lombardy, Italy (MINDAT)
Size: 7 x 5 x 3 cm - Small cabinet (5-7 cm)
Weight: 68.5 g
minID: 8W4-T5T
Pocket of smithsonite crystals on matrix. On top of the smithsonite there are a few small cerussite crystals. Under longwave UV light both the smithsonite and cerussite fluoresce yellow. Under shortwave UV light, the smithsonite is not fluorescent anymore, but the cerussite keeps a light yellow fluorescence. Most notable under shortwave UV light is a bright blue fluorescence mineral, likely hydrozincite. Under shortwave UV light there is also an unidentified red fluorescent mineral.
Last update: 14 January 2021