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SC367 - Cassiterite

Locality: Viloco Mine (Araca Mine), Loayza Province, La Paz, Bolivia (MINDAT)
Size: 7 x 4.5 x 2 cm - Small cabinet (5-7 cm)
Weight: 154.8 g
minID: V83-A0P

Black cassiterite crystals, very dark brown in transmitted light, with some little yellow calcite crystals. Under either UVA or UVC the cassiterite shows a very weak yellow fluorescence. Interestingly, the fluorescence is zoned, and apparent only on some crystal faces. The UVC photo is more realistic to what I actually see (blue are reflections), while the UVA photo is more overexposed.

Left: Fluorescence under 254nm UVC (shortwave) Hg light. Right: normal light.
Left: Fluorescence under 365nm UVA (longwave) LED. Right: normal light.
Last update: 04 December 2021