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SC400 - Manganapatite

Locality: Bennett Quarry, Buckfield, Oxford County, Maine, USA (MINDAT)
Size: 4 x 4 x 4 cm - Miniature (3-6 cm)
Weight: 72.7 g

Dark green manganese-rich fluorapatite (manganapatite) in matrix. Under shortwave UV light the apatite fluoresces yellow. Interestingly, the fluorescence is zoned, bright in the outer rim of the apatite crystals and dimmer to no fluorescence in the inside.

Left: Fluorescence under 254nm UVC (shortwave) Hg light. Right: normal light.
Left: Fluorescence under 254nm UVC (shortwave) Hg light. Right: normal light.
Left: Fluorescence under 254nm UVC (shortwave) Hg light. Right: normal light.
Fluorescence spectrum under 275nm UVC (shortwave) LED excitation.
Last update: 04 December 2021