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SC553 - Sodalite

Locality: Mount Vesuvius, Somma-Vesuvius Complex, Naples, Campania, Italy (MINDAT)
Size: 6 x 4 x 5 cm - Small cabinet (5-7 cm)
Weight: 148 g
minID: H62-E6K

Sodalite crystal (2cm) on matrix. Under longwave UV light the sodalite fluoresces the typical bright orange. Under shortwave instead, it fluoresces an interesting deep red.

Photo in normal light.
Left: Fluorescence under 254nm UVC (shortwave) Hg light. Right: normal light.
Left: Fluorescence under 365nm UVA (longwave) LED. Right: normal light.
Comparison between the fluorescence spectra under 255nm UVC LED and 365nm UVA LED excitations.
Fluorescence spectrum under 255nm UVC (shortwave) LED excitation.
Fluorescence spectrum under 365nm UVA (longwave) LED excitation.
Last update: 26 May 2022