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SC554 - Hauyne

Locality: Biachella Valley, Sacrofano, Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, Lazio, Italy (MINDAT)
Size: 4 x 4 x 4.5 cm - Miniature (3-6 cm)
Weight: 104 g
minID: XW5-PRF

Nicely crystalized hauyne to almost 1cm on matrix. Fluorescent orange under longwave UV light, red under shortwave.

Photo in normal light.
Left: Fluorescence under 254nm UVC (shortwave) Hg light. Right: normal light.
Left: Fluorescence under 365nm UVA (longwave) LED. Right: normal light.
Comparison between the fluorescence spectra under 255nm UVC LED and 365nm UVA LED excitations.
Fluorescence spectrum under 255nm UVC (shortwave) LED excitation.
Fluorescence spectrum under 365nm UVA (longwave) LED excitation.
Last update: 26 May 2022