SC1112 – Baryte from the Meikle Mine, Nevada, USA
Fluorescent baryte in my collection:
SC1112 – Baryte from the Meikle Mine, Nevada, USA
Baryte crystals on matrix. Very sparkly in daylight and bright white fluorescence under longwave...
Baryte crystals on matrix. Very sparkly in daylight and bright white fluorescence under longwave...
Anthophyllite.SC301 – Anthophyllite, Clino-suenoite, and Tremolite from the International Talc...
AragoniteSC343 – Aragonite from Sant’Agostino di Coli, Emilia-Romagna, ItalyFluorescence under...
Calcite is, perhaps, one of the most colorful mineral under UV light. It can fluoresce virtually...
Carpathite, also known as Karpatite, is one of the few organic minerals. It is chemically...
Celestine typically fluoresces white or bluish white. Best under longwave UV light. Usually also...
Cerussite, quite often fluorescent yellow under longwave UV light. But not always!SC302 – Fluorite...
Clino-suenoite. Also known as the discredited manganocummingtonite and tirodite.SC301 –...
Typically fluoresces green under midwave UV light. Most samples come from Charcas in San Luis...
Fluorescence under fullwave: shortwave plus midwave plus longwave UV light.Normal...
Dolomite, typically fluorescent white under longwave UV light.SC342 – Sphalerite & Dolomite from...