FluoboriteSC858 – Fluoborite from the Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey, USAFluorescence under...
FluoboriteSC858 – Fluoborite from the Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey, USAFluorescence under...
Fluorapatite, the most common mineral generally referred as "apatite". Yellow fluorescence under...
Fluorite, the mineral namesake of fluorescence!SC302 – Fluorite and Cerussite from the Blanchard...
Gypsum and his crystal clear variety selenite.Fluorescence under longwave UV light.Normal...
GlauberiteSC1116 – Glauberite from the Salton Sea, California, USAFluorescence under shortwave UV...
Fluorescence under midwave and longwave UV light.Normal light.Fluorescent gonnardite in my...
Grossular garnet is not often fluorescent. Only a few localities come to my mind: the Sierra de...
Halite typically fluoresces bright orange under shortwave UV light. Might also fluoresce...
Hyalite, the "bubbly" variety of opal. Typical fluorescence us bright green due to uranyl UO22+...
Hydrozincite is secondary zinc mineral. Usually powdery white, it fluoresces bright light blue...