Fluorescent gypsum in my collection:
SC997 – Selenite from the Red River Floodway, Winnipeg, Canada
A classical specimen from a classical locality. Very clear and transparent, lightly amber colored,...
A classical specimen from a classical locality. Very clear and transparent, lightly amber colored,...
BaryteSC1112 – Baryte from the Meikle Mine, Nevada, USAFluorescence under longwave UV light.Normal...
Carpathite, also known as Karpatite, is one of the few organic minerals. It is chemically...
Typically fluoresces green under midwave UV light. Most samples come from Charcas in San Luis...
Fluorescence under fullwave: shortwave plus midwave plus longwave UV light.Normal...
FluoboriteSC858 – Fluoborite from the Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey, USAFluorescence under...
Fluorapatite, the most common mineral generally referred as "apatite". Yellow fluorescence under...
GlauberiteSC1116 – Glauberite from the Salton Sea, California, USAFluorescence under shortwave UV...
Fluorescence under midwave and longwave UV light.Normal light.Fluorescent gonnardite in my...
Halite typically fluoresces bright orange under shortwave UV light. Might also fluoresce...
Idrialite is an organic mineral usually found in mercury mines. It shows a very bright green...