SC262 – Nosean on Sanidine and Orthoclase from In den Dellen quarries, Mendig, Germany

Jan 23, 2020 | Mineral Collection, Nosean, Orthoclase, Sanidine

Druzy nosean (fluorescent orange under longwave UV light) on a matrix composed of sanidine (white opaque, fluorescent dark red under shortwave UV light) and orthoclase (white translucent, fluorescent bluish white under longwave UV light).
Locality: In den Dellen quarries, Mendig, Mendig, Mayen-Koblenz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (Mindat)
MinID: 34N-6JT
Size: 6 x 5 x 4 cm
Weight: 74 g
Fluorescence under longwave UV light.
Fluorescence under shortwave UV light.
Normal light.
Fluorescence spectra of a a nosean-rich region was measured. It shows the typical vibrionic emission of sulphur (S2-) in sodalite group minerals (group of peaks around 650nm). From the vibrionic emission, the maximum peak is at 643nm. According to the ebook written by Ludo Van Goethem and Axel Emmermann, this correspond to the emission of nosean (sodalite peak maximum is at 625nm, nosean at 645nm, haüyne and lazurite at 695nm).
Fluorescence spectra.