Stevensite is not a particularly common, or known, fluorescent mineral. To be honest, its...
Tremolite. SC301 – Anthophyllite, Clino-suenoite, and Tremolite from the International Talc...
Tugtupite: typically bright red fluorescence under shortwave, orange under longwave. Only in some...
Rhodochrosite is not a commonly fluorescent mineral. Chemically and structurally, rhodochrosite is...
As George Polman defines it: "wickenburgite can fluoresce anywhere from a Bazooka bubble gum pink...
Willemite is a quite common fluorescent mineral. Typically it fluoresces bright green, but it can...
SC1210 – Sorensenite from the Ilímaussaq complex, Greenland
Large spay of compact sorensenite crystals. Sorensenite is known to fluoresce white/grey under...
SC1168 – Carpathite from the Picacho Mine, California, USA
Yellow carpathite crystals coated by quartz. Quite nice how some crystals are fully exposed, some...
SC1165 – Tugtupite from the Ilímaussaq complex, Greenland
Tenebrescent tugtupite: normally pink, it changes color to a darker red upon exposure to UV light....
SC1163 – Kyanite from the Willis Mountain Mine, Virginia, USA
Kyanite blades in matrix. Lot's of them! In daylight they are essentially colorless, white or...
SC1117 – Rhodochrosite from the N’Chwaning II Mine, South Africa
Little plate of pink rhodochrosite crystals, all packed together. Contrary to every guess, the...
SC1116 – Glauberite from the Salton Sea, California, USA
Glauberite crystal, fluorescent light blue under shortwave UV light, pink under longwave...