SC345 – Smithsonite, Cerussite and Hydrozincinte from the Zorzone Mine, Lombardy, Italy
Pocket of smithsonite crystals on matrix. On top of the smithsonite there are a few small...
SC344 – Hydrozincite from the Zorzone Mine, Lombardy, Italy
Hydrozoncite on matrix. The hydrozincite fluoresces a nice blue under shortwave UV light, not much...
SC343 – Aragonite from Sant’Agostino di Coli, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Acicular aragonite crystals. Bluish/white fluorescence under UV light with green...
SC342 – Sphalerite & Dolomite from the Raibl Mines, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
Rough piece of orange/brown sphalerite/schalenblende intermixed with white dolomite. The...
SC325 – Grossular Garnet from Sierra de Cruces, Coahuila, Mexico
Raspberry garnet var grossular, also called Rosolite. The main crystal is about 10mm in size. Nice...
SC302 – Fluorite and Cerussite from the Blanchard Mine, New Mexico, USA
White fluorite cubes covered by secondary lead minerals, mostly (?) cerussite. The cerussite is...
SC301 – Anthophyllite, Clino-suenoite, and Tremolite from the International Talc Company Mine, New York, USA
Tremolite mixed with “tirodite”, i.e. anthopyllite and/or clino-suenoite. Under long wave UV light...
SC262 – Nosean on Sanidine and Orthoclase from In den Dellen quarries, Mendig, Germany
Druzy nosean (fluorescent orange under longwave UV light) on a matrix composed of sanidine (white...